Saturday, April 24, 2010

Moving on


We're busy busy doing our urban farm thing but it's not enough.
We've been dreaming of working Ren Man's family farm the more we've learned about alternative farming practices.
We have plans that we've been cooking up since before we moved to Providence.
And really
my fantasy since childhood has been to own a farm, have a horse to ride around the farm with a faithful dog following behind.


So we do things here, in our suburban life.
We have a garden in our front yard.
We have chickens (and I've had to be talked out of getting goats or even a pig on more than one occasion).
We have a csa, we buy our milk from a farmer, we do what we can.
And now, finally, we're in a place where we're making plans for the final move back to the farm.


It's exciting.
We're thinking that we'll build a geodome and start with things that aren't directly related to the dairy side of things.
We have a house to build, after all.
And we're planning on gardening and having chickens that first summer too.
That first summer happens to be next summer.


And I want to have everything that is possible to do before breaking ground done.
I want seeds ordered
chicken coop made
run made (to size appropriate for garden beds so chickens can ready the beds)
building permits done
excavation arranged
store of indoor paint
The first set of fruit trees purchased and planted

and several other things, I'm sure, that I don't even know need to be done.
So that's the plan for moving on.

This blog was started to document the transition from urban to rural farming and I was discouraged because it wasn't happening. It was hard to write in the winter - what do you write about?
But seedlings are started both literally and figuratively and any feedback on plans from those who have gone before is appreciated!

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About This Blog

This is a record of her adventures moving from urban farm to rural farm.
We've learned a lot on a small scale urban farm and we're making plans to transition to a family owned dairy farm.
We have spent countless hours researching, daydreaming, and discussing future farming plans and aspirations. This is where you get to see our progress.

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