Wednesday, September 1, 2010

teeny tiny micro mini

We're building right? (Not really, an Option C was discovered (options A and B)but let's pretend that we're still planning to build for the sake of this post and I'll update at a later date what Option C is - the current plan.)
I stumbled across Tiny House Blog which lead to Tumbleweed houses and ideas started flowing.
At first I was convinced we could live in a house less than 100 square feet. The secret?
The loft!

The kids could share the loft and we could....well, we can add a bedroom onto that little house. So maybe we could do it for 150 square feet. It's doable, right? Right?

Okay... so three rooms would really be better.
What about less than 1,000 square feet... Say 800-900 square feet?

I'm in love with the cuteness, the eco-friendliness (really? do we need 2000+ square feet? No, no we do not!), the potential for expansion if necessary, AND we know it's short term. Yes, short term could mean 10 years but as I said, there's room for expansion if needed but also a great challenge to live within a smaller space. Besides, as it is now, the kids are always in the room, preferably on top of us literally (their preference, not ours) so why would we need more than one 5 rooms?

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About This Blog

This is a record of her adventures moving from urban farm to rural farm.
We've learned a lot on a small scale urban farm and we're making plans to transition to a family owned dairy farm.
We have spent countless hours researching, daydreaming, and discussing future farming plans and aspirations. This is where you get to see our progress.

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