Thursday, October 7, 2010


Our "baby" chickens have started laying. At least one of them has. I would guess Soleil (our buff orpington) because A)the eggs are typical in color (so that rules out the americanas) and B) she's the biggest of the babies. Here's an egg comparison: the smallest is the baby egg, the roundest is Dixie's (the Rhode Island White) and the longest is Lulu's (the Rhode Island Red).


And half of our apple stash from Vaillancourt Orchard in North West Vermont. These have since been turned into delicious apple butter. Yum!


I said we've been getting into canning. Below is our current stash of canned yumminess. These are the jams - plum made at home, plum/peach made with a friend, and peach made with said friend.


And then most of below is courtesy of Ren Man (because I have to share the fun some). He's done beets and most of the tomatos shown below.


I have been talked out of canning more tomatoes. I missed them so much last year and don't want to go without again this winter! Ren Man pointed out that his mom canned sooooo many tomatoes this year that there is PLENTY. But that means canning is done which is disapointing.

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About This Blog

This is a record of her adventures moving from urban farm to rural farm.
We've learned a lot on a small scale urban farm and we're making plans to transition to a family owned dairy farm.
We have spent countless hours researching, daydreaming, and discussing future farming plans and aspirations. This is where you get to see our progress.

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