Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chick Fuzz

The chicks are growing!
And this was from last weekend - woo! - you should see them now!!

They are so funny with their half-feathered look. I can't wait to get them outside with the big chickens!


Ark Boy still loves Luna!


Ren Man set up a perch for the birds and so far all four can fit up there - sometimes they don't let one up... they are figuring out their pecking order. It's not always the same bird so I don't think they have it figured out yet.


And in case you think I have forgotten about the "big" girls - here's Dixie and Lulu- they're walking in step - so funny. I'm so curious about their reaction to the youngers.

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About This Blog

This is a record of her adventures moving from urban farm to rural farm.
We've learned a lot on a small scale urban farm and we're making plans to transition to a family owned dairy farm.
We have spent countless hours researching, daydreaming, and discussing future farming plans and aspirations. This is where you get to see our progress.

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