Saturday, May 22, 2010


The babies are out in the run.
Dixie does not approve so Dixie does not go in the run with them... much.
Lulu doesn't care either way.
So the babies have an area of the coop fenced off for them and then are only in the run with the big girls with supervision.
For the most part they have seperate visiting rights to the run.



Sometimes when we know we'll be out for a couple hours the big girls run loose in the lower yard.
Unfortunately they seem intent on scratching in the recently seeded half of the lower yard.
Ark Boy got lots of practicing catching and carrying the big girls back to the established grassy side of the yard.


Can't decide if I'm more proud of the budding chicken keeper or the patient chicken.

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About This Blog

This is a record of her adventures moving from urban farm to rural farm.
We've learned a lot on a small scale urban farm and we're making plans to transition to a family owned dairy farm.
We have spent countless hours researching, daydreaming, and discussing future farming plans and aspirations. This is where you get to see our progress.

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