Monday, May 31, 2010

Vermont house site

We went up the road to take pictures of our future house building site.
It's good to get the site more clear in our heads. I'm a little sad that there is little to no backyard to speak of but when all the land you can see in these pictures is part of the farm... who needs a backyard?

This is the view from the road.


We're planning on using icf to build the whole house. We'll dig in to the hill to bury half of the basement and have half exposed. The two additional floors. The basement floor will be half studio, 1/4 utilities, and 1/4 guest room... at least that's the plan now. We spoke with the building permit granters and were informed that no architect approved plans are needed. That's nice. But the bank may not feel the same. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.


We bought 11 fruit trees yesterday to put along the border of the front yard (that butts up to pasture). We brought 2 apples and 1 pear home. The rest we'll get in mid-August... the rest include 1apple, 2 pears, 1 cherry, and 3 plums.
Dreaming about spring pictures among the fruit blossoms, summer pictures in whatever hayfield needs mowing, fall pictures in a shaded grove behind the house that will be full of fall colors, and winter pictures along rustic fence lines. The ideas for awesome locations right on the farm... never mind the quaint store fronts in town... keep coming. And that's only talking about photography... saying nothing of the big farming plans!


We spoke with Ren Man's parents and presented a tentative 5 year plan. We made accommodations before presenting the plan to make the plan most palatable to Ren Man's dad - current farmer extraordinaire. We held off on lessening the herd size or changing up the breed until year three. We know there are several things to do before we really need to change the herd. His dad's response: why wait for three years?!?!
Very exciting!


Confusing to think that we aren't starting now when I feel we're chomping at the bit! This slow and steady pace will be beneficial, I'm sure. For now our brains are full of plans and we're thankful to at least have some things we can do this year (namely, plant the fruit trees).

1 comment:

Shalonne said...

So pretty! I'm happy for you :)

What made you decide to go with ICF? I'm just curious...

About This Blog

This is a record of her adventures moving from urban farm to rural farm.
We've learned a lot on a small scale urban farm and we're making plans to transition to a family owned dairy farm.
We have spent countless hours researching, daydreaming, and discussing future farming plans and aspirations. This is where you get to see our progress.

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